When you are armed with information about criminal law, you can better protect yourself. This blog is designed to provide you with valuable information on legal issues you might encounter. It may even help you avoid an unpleasant disruption in your life. Remember, this site and any information contained in it is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek competent legal counsel for advice on any legal matter. Attorney David Tarr is available 24/7 to answer your questions, so please don't hesitate to reach out by using our chat feature, our contact form, or calling 803-238-7967 directly, for further clarification of any topics covered in the website, or problems you might be having with the law. Check back regularly for new topics.

drug possession penalties

The Different Drug Classes and Drug Possession Penalties

Drug Possession Penalties Depend on the Drug Classification Approximately 1,155,610 individuals are arrested every year for drug law violations in the United States. However, 86.7% of these arrests are for possession of a controlled substance. More importantly, possession of a controlled substance, especially in South Carolina, will have different penalties depending on the drug classification…
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getting a dui

5 Ways Getting a DUI Can Ruin Your Career

Unfortunately, getting a DUI is a problem many people have to deal with; every year, police arrest around 1.4 million people in the United States for driving under the influence. A charge of DUI means you are behind the wheel with more than the legal blood alcohol level, or you have drugs in your system.…
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person lighting a joint

How to Get a Simple Possession Charge Expunged in SC

If the police charge you with drug possession in South Carolina, you may worry that this situation will be on your permanent record. It’s true that getting arrested for a drug-related offense can cause trouble later in life. Criminal records can come up when you are applying for academic programs, jobs, or loans. A possession…
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misdemeanor charges on a paper with gavel

What Can You Do to Get Misdemeanor Charges Expunged?

Misdemeanors are less serious crimes than felonies, but this is small comfort if you are charged with one. If you are facing criminal charges for a misdemeanor offense, you may be facing monetary fines or even jail time. A misdemeanor on your record can also pose a problem for you in the future if you…
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assault written in paint on a brick wall

Assault Charges in South Carolina; 3 Things You Need to Know

What are the different types of assault charges in SC There are three types of assault charges in South Carolina: simple assault, assault and battery, and assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. All of them are serious and can cause you to do jail time. Simple assault (also known as Assault and…
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shoplifting charges in South Carolina

Shoplifting Charges in South Carolina: What You Need to Know

If you have recently been picked up for shoplifting charges in South Carolina, you are likely wondering how to dig your way out of this problem and move on with your life. You probably have several concerns, ranging from flashbacks to what you should have done differently to fear of what the future holds. Several…
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